Twitter Local Trends for Australia and Analytics

Sandhurst Digital

Sandhurst Digital

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So Twitter has not been showing much love for Australia, to date they do not have an office in here and many clients have been asking questions about Twitter for the past 2 years+.

Finally Twitter has been showing some signs of love for the Australian market with the release of Australian Twitter trending topics for the local market which have been needed for some time due to the fact all our trending topics were from the USA market which was a bit confusing this new change will show local trending topics from the Australian market which is a real plus for this market.

Furthermore Twitter has boosted its analytic offering and is now going to offer a new Twitter analytic product which is going to be great for any one who wants to track things on the twitter platform and give detailed insights for clients.

As Twitter is a must for any social SEO strategy I think these developments are great for Twitter and I look forward to more growth in the Australian market for Twitter.

Twitter Trends Australia

Twitter Trends Australia


I currently own a high performance SEO & Content Marketing Agency called: Prosperity Media.

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