Three SEO take aways from Matt Cutts 90 minute webinar!

James Norquay

James Norquay

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Yesterday Matt Cutts did a interesting 90 minute webinar on Youtube, From this 90 minute webinar transcript I have highlighted 3 key points from the webinar below –

1. Google +1 button will have a impact on search results, the fact he states we are paying a lot of attention to this ranking factor shows that it will be worth wile targeting +1 buttons and utilizing them to the full extent.

2. IP address are confirmed as a ranking factor, It is well known if you have a domain then you should look at hosting the domain where your user base is, well in Australia. If you host your website in the Netherlands and your website is in Australia it may have a impact on your rankings

3. Using rel=nofollow on internal links has no added benefit! Many SEO’s fill internal pages with no-follows, I have noticed this tactic to direct link juice to certain pages. I have tested it and never saw a huge benefit from it so I decided to to place any rel=nofollow on internal website pages.

What makes these points interesting are the fact Matt Cutt’s confirms these 3 SEO factors, sure enough I already know from testing they work but this just places further emphasis on the factors.


I currently own a high performance SEO & Content Marketing Agency called: Prosperity Media.

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