How Kogan is winning Click Frenzy with Smart PR and SEO

Sandhurst Digital

Sandhurst Digital

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So over the past 24 hours we have noticed Kogan doing some smart PR where he “leaked” the deals for his Click Frenzy offers and also started his “Click Frenzy” site around 12 hours earlier compared to the organizers site.

Kogan has also claimed that it is unfair that one organisation controls Click Frenzy and I agree 100% with his statements. The funny thing is Click Frenzy has even assisted Kogan by providing additional free PR by saying they are going to sue him for infringing on using the partial match term “Frenzy” in advertising. It is impossible to claim some one can own such a generic word as Frenzy.

An example below shows how Kogan would be attacking a considerable amount of CTR from this campaign.


1. Kogan is dominating Google news listing results
2. Kogan is Bidding on Google Paid Results for long tail keywords.
3. The branded website ranks 2nd organically for the term “Click Frenzy”

Now I decided to test out some tools too see where this URL which Kogan is ranking in 2nd spot is being promoted. I ran the URL using Ahrefs/ Majestic and noticed the links are not yet crawled so I just check the link citation on Google (see below)


It seems that from a off site point of view the following sites are been targeted:

1. High Quality PR sites via his release (with links back to his targeted landing page)
2. Sharing the links via Facebook pages.
3. Sharing the links via deals websites such as Oz Bargain.
4. Even some directory citations have been done.

Today he has even followed it up with another press release around the legal action (great play)

Kogan also has one of the best landing pages for Click Frenzy where users can instantly see the deals on offer, I tested out some other companies landing pages you have to click deep into the site to even find the deals. My guess is Kogan’s bounce rate would be good compared to the others which would be high as they would not be converting.

It is evident some one is pushing some out reach on this domain, doing SEO and rolling out some fantastic PR.

Overall I think this is great work by Kogan and his digital team, they have not even paid to “Click Frenzy fee” and it is evident they would be yielding the best CTR from organic and news listings.

Update 4.55 pm – 20th November –

We had some readers of the blog email in to notify us that Kogan also owns the domains and which do in fact infringe on the trademark which Click Frenzy holds. Both are currently re directs to the Kogan site. One is even a PR 2 from internal links and a few external links. That being said these trademarks were approved in 2013 by the look of it and Kogan has held the domains since last year.

Update 9.38 pm – 22nd November

Just had some one from Power Retail email me about the article, they said that the main concerns they had were only around the targeting on “Click Frenzy” as a term and not “Frenzy”. At the time of posting this article things were mainly only targeting Kogan Frenzy apparently prior to this he did target click frenzy heavily. That being said using re directs on & > Kogans Click Frenzy landing pages is some what a grey had SEO strategy.


I currently own a high performance SEO & Content Marketing Agency called: Prosperity Media.

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