Googles new +1 button, Webmasters need to check the rules!!!

Sandhurst Digital

Sandhurst Digital

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Well today Google rolled out its new +1 buttons, we have been waiting many months for these to come out.

The funny thing is that I have already seen many webmasters abusing these new buttons with dodgy tactics to get more +1’s.

Below are the rules for +1 buttons –

+1 button rules

+1 button rules

It is evident that you can not:
– Run a competition to gain more +1’s
– Use dodgy wording to gain more +1’s.
– Use any dodgy coding tactics such as CSS overlays to get extra +1’s.
and the list goes on.

Examples of the types of things I have seen websites already doing are:
– Altering the log in area to include a plus one right under it, obviously users are going to accidentally click it.

I think +1 will see alot of spammers trying any thing to game it, what do you think?


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