So been a online marketer, I own a few domain names, well more then a few it is well over 100 these days.
Now the thing I have noticed recently is that every time I have a domain about to expire I get a letter in the mail from a company called Domain Renewal Group! I only get letters in the mail if it is a bill from an old school company or some one is sending me a check or a Christmas Card.
The funny thing with Domain Renewal Group is that they do not just charge me the same price my current registrar is charging for me to even consider switching my domains they charge say 7 TIMES the price, crazy isn’t it a domain which costs me $7 a year they charge $70, I do not know who would be silly enough to fall for this, it is a big scam.
Now I did a bit of a search online and found people around the world are not happy about this company Domain Renewal Group, some example:
I guess the people these guys target about businesses who have an IT company buy a domain then they part ways, they get the letter and think wow we better re new this domain, not knowing any better! Well that is the story in the Whirlpool thread.
But the thing is if you want to stop these letters coming the way around it is that you need to pay for private who is data ! If you own many domains it may not be worth it, such as myself, but it is the sure fire way to stop these letters in the mail.
To me this is a waste of paper, the letter usually ends up like this:

So please Domain Renewal Group stop annoying me!