Content Farms targeted in the “Farmer” Google Update

Sandhurst Digital

Sandhurst Digital

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So around a week ago their was another Google update and this time it was to target the content farms all over the web.
Basically what this update means is if you have low quality content on your website or you have a website where you have taken content from another website then it is time to be worried. Duplicative content is never advisable online, the best type of content for websites to utilize if 100% unique content which can not be found any where else online. You also need to make sure your content is indexed first before scraper sites get to it so place new content on highly accessible search engine pages.

Websites which have been affected by the changes are content houses such as associate content websites where article marketing is popular and users copy the same article to 100s of sites with little to no changes been made to the specific articles. This in turn drives duplicative content concerns across article website.

Whilst Google admits that this update is not 100% accurate, many innocent publishers have been affected by the changes and many publishers are quite angry about it. Some have had their ranks re instated after complaining direct to Google. So if you feel you have been unfairly target by the farmer update on Google then it may be worth emailing them with your concerns.


I currently own a high performance SEO & Content Marketing Agency called: Prosperity Media.

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