3D Advertising in Australia

James Norquay

James Norquay

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Tonight I went to the launch of a new 3D tourism TVC, I was quite surprised at the amount of work that is involved with crating a 3D commercial 4 times the effort of a normal commercial and to think even creating a 3D movie is on another level. The client which was Tourism NT had a 1 minute commercial made in 3D and to be honest it was pretty good the effects were great and I can really see big things for the future of 3D TVC’s. The only thing I was worried about was the fact that the usage rates of 3D TV in Australia are quite low in comparison to overseas markets, yet I guess been an innovative ad campaign it wins all the award for innovation.

The reason for this post is that do you see 3D making it’s way to the online work? I mean will we see websites in 3D in the near future? Possibly…..What is your view on this readers?


I currently own a high performance SEO & Content Marketing Agency called: Prosperity Media.

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