Hello every one, I hope you have been well. Firstly I just wanted to say thank you if you are reading my blog, sorry I have not been posting as much in recently times as I have been very busy consulting for a select group of clients I work with at my new company and also working on some new projects I am developing for the global market. That been said but I will aim to post some fresh new content on the blog in the coming weeks, I also have a few new themes I have recently purchased and will customize for this blog as the design is in store for a change soon.
Last week I attended my meetup which I run to give a presentation on Content Marketing examples which work for SEO. A good mate of mine Jamie Andrei https://twitter.com/jamieandrei also presented on Content Marketing.
Special thanks to dennis graham for the image: https://twitter.com/DennisGraham7
Also be sure to view the slides below: